Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here I am at the end of my reasearch and I finally have the answer to my question which is " what can someone do to help someone who just losted a loved one". There is just not one answer to this question there are many answers to this question.The first thing that I learned is that the most important thing that you can do for someone who just losed a loved one is to just be there, that is what everyone who just losed a loved one is to know that someone is there that understand then and the things that they are going though.I also learned that everyone loses someone very important in there life so everyone in the world looses someone who they really cared about.
Although my research was very sucessful I though that there was more out there to my question yes my question was answered but i feel that the articles was telling me the same thing over and over again. But indeed the articles did answer my question which is a very good thing.
The second thing that I learned from my research was that everyone deals with the loss of a loved one very different. One person may shut down from the world and stop talking to everyone.Then on the other hand many peolpe may get out of control and start doing things that they would have never done before that person passed away.It really alls depends on #1 how close you was to that person and how do you deal with that person being out of your life.
The third thing that I learned from my research was that things get harder before they get better. Just keep your head up and it will all get better.

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