Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here I am at the end of my reasearch and I finally have the answer to my question which is " what can someone do to help someone who just losted a loved one". There is just not one answer to this question there are many answers to this question.The first thing that I learned is that the most important thing that you can do for someone who just losed a loved one is to just be there, that is what everyone who just losed a loved one is to know that someone is there that understand then and the things that they are going though.I also learned that everyone loses someone very important in there life so everyone in the world looses someone who they really cared about.
Although my research was very sucessful I though that there was more out there to my question yes my question was answered but i feel that the articles was telling me the same thing over and over again. But indeed the articles did answer my question which is a very good thing.
The second thing that I learned from my research was that everyone deals with the loss of a loved one very different. One person may shut down from the world and stop talking to everyone.Then on the other hand many peolpe may get out of control and start doing things that they would have never done before that person passed away.It really alls depends on #1 how close you was to that person and how do you deal with that person being out of your life.
The third thing that I learned from my research was that things get harder before they get better. Just keep your head up and it will all get better.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Okay here I am again trying to find a answer to my question when I came upon this article that really was just what I was looking for the article title is called "How to help someone who has just lost a loved one" this article talks about the steps that you should take as being a friend of a person who just lost a love one. The first thing the article talks about you should do is tell the person that you are very sorry for there lost and ask the person if there is anything that you can do at that point in time.The second thing that you should do is act the person if they need any financial help because there is a lot of people out in the world that do not have life insurence which means that there surviving family will have to pay for all the funnel expenses out of there pocket so that would be a good thing to do is offer financial help.The third thing that you so someone who really care about the person who just lost a loved one is to bring food to the persons house.When someone looses a loved one the last thing that's on there mind is food and trying to cook to eat. On the other hand you may call and ask them if they need anything and they say they have enough food that means that people ave already brough food for them.Sending the family a sympathy card would also be a good idea.Maybe you could send flowers to the funeral home before the funeral thats a good idea to.The number one thing that you could do is be there for the person no matter what the situation my be they need. Dealing with the death of my grandmother all of these thing \s that I just mentioned made my griving process a little better do not get me wrong it was very hard dealing with the loss of my grandmother but knowing there was someone out there who was willing to make easier for me was a great thing.It takes time but it does get easier.
Seifert, Ariane. "How to help someone who just losted a loved one." essortment

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How does being in a greek orginization positively influence the actions in daily life?

For this post i kept searching the Internet and came upon a school website for Johnson and Wales University which offers a number of greeks at their campus. Johnson and Wales University lists a plethora of positive aspects that the greeks at their college offer such as opportunities to create special, life long friendships, develop leadership skills, participate in community service activities, and apply classroom learning to real experiences within an organization.It also states that greek members feel a greater connection to their University and build strong relationships with alumni and network with other fraternity and sorority members across the country. Also, many of today’s corporate, political, social, and religious leaders are alumni members of fraternities and sororities. (Johnson & Wales University )

Although college greeks are taken a lot more serious than high school greeks we still endure some of the things that college pledgies go through. So, to further ma research I asked a few junior greek members a few questions to get their point of view on my topic. First, i interviewed Terrell Leslie, a member of Iota Psi Youth Alliance. He stated that "by joining a greek organization he was introduced to new things such as college and also he states that it matured him as a person." He also says that he doesn't regret pledging because it gave him a sense of lifelong brotherhood. For another opinion I went to my sister Kearia King, a member of Kappa Lambda Gamma Junior Sorority. She explains how by joining a organization she had the chance to meet new people and take on new experiences. Kearia states "joining Kappa Lambda Gamma Junior Sorority has made me a way more outgoing person overall".

Johnson & Wales University. "Go Greek." Johnson & Wales University Web page 2005 21 May 2008 .


Friday, May 9, 2008

How does being in a greek orginization positively influence the actions in daily life?

As i continued my research on the Internet I came across an article by Katie Potzick. (The Beat) She wrote an article on a student at University of Louisville in the fall of 2005 named David Scholla who asked himself "to pledge or not to pledge"... Well he ended up pledging and not regretting his decision and he says "it has made him a more round person". He also states that it has helped him strive to achieve his personal best in all areas in college life: scholarship, leadership, teamwork, and community service. The article also included a interview from Lauren Hansen, a junior accounting/computer information systems major and Phi Beta Phi member. She states "It is a great way to meet new people. Joining Greek Life gives you a support system and lifelong friendship... you have service opportunities and can participate in intramural sports, hold leadership positions, and are able to become very active in campus events."During the year the Greek organizations also sponsor different fundraising and charity events such as the Chi Omega Chili cook off, the Kappa Delta Shamrock and 5K run, the Triangle Thanksgiving dinner, etc... The events help Greek members fulfill their goal to reach out to the community and create positive change. Throughout my blog I wanted to show and give you examples in which people joined a Greek organization and how it changed their lives in a positive way.

Potzick, kate. "Greek life a cog of college." The Louisville Cardinal (The Beat) 5/6/08 5/13/08 .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The affects

When teen girls get pregnant they never think abou the negative things hat could occur.being a young girl and not fully developed anything could have went wrong with the delivery.I asked my mother a quesion and she began telling me a story of when she was in gammer school.She said that her friend got pregnant in the seventh grade and while giving bith she was paralyzed in the process because her body was not totally developed.That made me think of all of the youngs having babies and taking the situation for granted.Another thing that can be an issue is mental disabilities.Nobody is guaranteed to a healthy breathing baby,so from my knowledge of the whole situation i talk to many young girls and encourage tem to wait as long as possible to have kids.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wondering when I will find the right answer to my question I came upon a artile that really shocked me like this is what I am really looking for.The aricle is called "Steps Dealing With Grief" this article really hit the point that I really wnat to be at. It talked about the steps with dealing with grief such as the first that someone who just went though the loss of a oved one is to understand the grieving process that everything is not going to be easy there is going to be a long road ahead.There are several stages of grief including denial,anger,bargaining,depression and acceptance. In my opion I believe that the hardest step in the grieving process is acceptance, dealing with the loss of my grandmother the hardest thing for me was really accepting that she was gone and was never comming bak that was real hard.Hten on the other hand some people deal with grief very different for example some people may withdraw themselves from the world, friends and family. The most important thing that people can do to help is ask the person what they loved about the pesron and why the loved the person. Maybe that will help.....Until next time

"Steps in Dealing With Grief." What Happens After Death May 14,2008 .

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How does being in a greek orginization positively influence the actions in daily life?

Through further browsing I came across an article called positives hidden by greek life stereotypes by Rebecca Jamrozi in The Lantern an Ohio State University paper. It expresses how only the negatives of "greek life" are brought to the surface. To clear up a major stereotype that fraternities and sororities are the same... they aren't. There are a lot of differences between the two besides gender, but yet they always get grouped together when being described. Both groups believe in the same ideas however fraternities and sororities are quite different in the ways they achieve them. Members or possible pledgies must maintain a minimum of 2.5 or higher to join or stay a member. Many sororities also have mandatory study tables to help members who need to improve in their studies or to improve the study skills of members who have poor study habits. This has proved to be quite beneficial to women in sororities since their grades are higher than most of the other womens' averages of OSU, probably something very few people know.As well as grades being a positive aspect among greeks another positive about them is that sorority houses are not permitted to have alcohol on their properties. When you have parties with alcohol at your house, it is very hard to keep things from being damaged or destroyed. This is one of the reasons why sorority houses are more appealing to look at compared to some fraternity houses on campus. (The Lantern)

Jamrozik, Rebecca. "Positives hidden by greek life stereotypes." The Lantern 9/22/00 05/08/2008 .


Beginning my research i found out that rates of teen pregnancy is based on ethnicity.The teen pregnancy rates for Hispanic teens had increased slightly from 2003 and 2004, for the first time they had the highest rates in both teen pregnancy and births.My hypothesis that teen pregnancy increased from the year that i enered high school in 20004 until now was in fact correct.from the data released in 2007 it showed a 3% increase in the birth rate between 2005 and 2007.this marked the first increase in teen birth rates within the last 15 years.Knowing all of this factual information i continued my search in finding out where it all began.
Now for the past week I've been doing mondo research!!! In my studies i found that most kids feel that there has been a dramatic change since our parents were in high school. its crazy because the teachers felt different, well at least most of them did. a social studies teacher told me that she thinks things are getting worse because the way kids got RAISED! when i talked to the teacher seemed real interested because she couldn't stop talking about the topic. she raised her head and looked at me and told me kids get raised to be how they are. (not actual word spoke but general idea). to a extent she right! adults to raise there children to protect them selves but maybe sometimes they take it to far. but also i feel that its the environment that you live in also which makes you the type of person you are. if you live somewhere that you have to protect yourself all the time you will be very defensive outside that area.

a English teacher told me that she feels nothing has changed just more people are aware of whats going on now. People aren't stupid well they can be but i highly doubt that allot of people weren't aware of the problems. involved parents would have knew and would of discussed it with he press or with the board of education just like parents do now. parents do that because that's how they were raised to take care of the child so i doubt that people weren't aware of what was going on!

Anonymous. Personal Interview interview. 05 02 2008.

Anonymous. Personal Interview interview. 05 04 2008.

Monday, May 5, 2008

As I contuined my search to find some answers to my questions. I remembered that there are many people in the world that deals with the loss of someone. So I went to my father and start asking him some questions such as How did you deal with the loss of your father?? and by the way I never asked him this question before. So we seat down and i asked him that question.Which was " how did you deal wiht the loss of your father" I was never expecting his responce to be " it was very hard I had to take it day by day it has gotten better sinec then but its still hard just thinking about him." This really cant to a suprise to me bacause my father is the kind of guy that does not show his feelilng and never talk about andything sad so when he said that i was like MAN everyone has a way of showing there eelings. I remember when I was put in that sutition with loosing someone I was not the same way my father was he was much calmer and he dealth wih it in a whole different way. so I am going to continue my search to find answers.

Stevens,Kenneth, personal interview May 15,2008