Thursday, May 8, 2008

The affects

When teen girls get pregnant they never think abou the negative things hat could occur.being a young girl and not fully developed anything could have went wrong with the delivery.I asked my mother a quesion and she began telling me a story of when she was in gammer school.She said that her friend got pregnant in the seventh grade and while giving bith she was paralyzed in the process because her body was not totally developed.That made me think of all of the youngs having babies and taking the situation for granted.Another thing that can be an issue is mental disabilities.Nobody is guaranteed to a healthy breathing baby,so from my knowledge of the whole situation i talk to many young girls and encourage tem to wait as long as possible to have kids.


Mr. Malley said...

Tashay...I'm not seeing full citations in your posts. Go back and revise. What is your source for your thoughts on mental disabilities? Remember, this is not a personal response project, it's a research project.

Nicole S. said...

This is very true and positive. Always check your spelling. This is not a personal essay.Look for research

Jessica said...

you are so right girl. girls now are getting pregant everyday! man if girls would pay more attention on school work instead of getting busy we wouldnt have that problem now would we!!!!

Leek said...

I never knew that a girl could become paralyzed from having a child at a young age but that isnt too hard too believe. With that said i still see numerous amounts of young females getting pregnant everyday. Times are changing...but are they for the better or the worse?