Friday, December 14, 2007


In the book So Be It the characters seem like they can be believable, becasue the world is a crazy place. Things may seem wierd and out of place but they are just as normal to that person as soemone going o the store to shop. i cant personally relate to any of the characters in the book. the closest thing that i can relate to in this book is knowing someone that doesnt know there father and wants to find out who he is such as my cousin. my cousin is now 18 years of age and he doesnt know his father!!!! ABUT HE IS DETERMNED TO FIND OUT WHO IS HE IS ONE DAY. the character Hiedi reminds me of a neighbor of mine that has a mother thats not there for her and hasnt been since she was a little girl just like Heidi's father.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Jessica...interesting connection. How does your cousin's quest to find out affect his action? How does it affect that character's actions?