Monday, May 5, 2008

As I contuined my search to find some answers to my questions. I remembered that there are many people in the world that deals with the loss of someone. So I went to my father and start asking him some questions such as How did you deal with the loss of your father?? and by the way I never asked him this question before. So we seat down and i asked him that question.Which was " how did you deal wiht the loss of your father" I was never expecting his responce to be " it was very hard I had to take it day by day it has gotten better sinec then but its still hard just thinking about him." This really cant to a suprise to me bacause my father is the kind of guy that does not show his feelilng and never talk about andything sad so when he said that i was like MAN everyone has a way of showing there eelings. I remember when I was put in that sutition with loosing someone I was not the same way my father was he was much calmer and he dealth wih it in a whole different way. so I am going to continue my search to find answers.

Stevens,Kenneth, personal interview May 15,2008


Mr. Malley said...

Nicole...that's a good idea to interview some people who have experienced losses. What else did he have to say?

I'm wondering something else too. I've read your responses, and I'm not seeing any steps in the grieving process or a list of things to do when grieving. I need to see more information from your research.

Also...proofread and add your citation.

Jessica said...

i agree with you i dnt know how it feels to lose a grandparent but im kinda going threw something similar now! my grandfather is really sick theres no telling how much more time im going to have with him, accepting it is getting harder and harder as the days go by.