Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wondering when I will find the right answer to my question I came upon a artile that really shocked me like this is what I am really looking for.The aricle is called "Steps Dealing With Grief" this article really hit the point that I really wnat to be at. It talked about the steps with dealing with grief such as the first that someone who just went though the loss of a oved one is to understand the grieving process that everything is not going to be easy there is going to be a long road ahead.There are several stages of grief including denial,anger,bargaining,depression and acceptance. In my opion I believe that the hardest step in the grieving process is acceptance, dealing with the loss of my grandmother the hardest thing for me was really accepting that she was gone and was never comming bak that was real hard.Hten on the other hand some people deal with grief very different for example some people may withdraw themselves from the world, friends and family. The most important thing that people can do to help is ask the person what they loved about the pesron and why the loved the person. Maybe that will help.....Until next time

"Steps in Dealing With Grief." What Happens After Death May 14,2008 .


Jessica said...

it is hard to accept grief. denying it doesnt make the situation any better. after you lose someone as special to you as a grandma its hard to get over it!
but i think evenually a person will accept it and move on.

brittney r said...

ive lost alot of people in my life and im still not over it. i wish they were still in my life almost everyday but i no there in a better place.